17 - The Importance of Your Story, and Why The Lessons Are Meant To Be Given Away - You Are A Message-Carrier and a Light-Bearer - A Little Bit MORE with Charity Majors
A Little Bit MORE: As an influencer, as a light-bearer, as one that knows they have a BIG purpose here on earth, the lessons that you learn and the message placed on your heart is not for you to keep.
Look back on your life, with INTENTION, and see how the lessons you have learned create your passion and purpose. Each lesson (especially when it's reoccurring), is one for you to learn and pass onto others that are a little further back along the journey.
These lessons are not meant for just you. It is important to pass them on as well as find fellow message-carriers that you can carry each other's messages for each other and together.
It is a divine calling to be a message-carrier...to be a light-bearer...Steward that calling well.
Grab your copy of my new book (and #1 New Release), “Meant For More; Igniting Your Purpose In a World That Tries to Dim Your Light... go to Book.WeAreMeantForMore.com today!
If you believe that you are a message-carrier and you know that the lessons you have learned are meant to be shared with others and to help them, then I invite you to join my #MeantForMore Challenge: 14-Days to Unlocking your Purpose. Find out more at WeAreMeantForMore.com
Be sure to visit my website at CharityMajors.com
And come hang out with me on social media -
@CharityMajors on Instagram and Charity Majors on Facebook.
Join my FREE FB Group: http://www.charitymajors.com/meantformoretribe
I look forward to connecting with you!
xoxo - Charity